2021 Photo Gallery
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The group at 2023 Cressy Cane


A hat to Cap off the event...


River workshop with Naoto Shibuya


Japanese Artisan Tackle


Fly tying for the LDL technique


Fred gets some pointers from Master Caster Tomonori Higashi


Dawn on the casting pond


Dusk on Brumbies Creek


Flies and Lies


Lamda Dun on Four Springs


Grip shaping on the Sherline


Tomo with his gift


Naoto with his gift


Fine food with Jen G!


Cutting the mystery culm!


Flaming the mystery culm!


Madake rods on display


More Madake


Bamboo Dave at the whiteboard


Show and tell


Handcrafted Japanese Koba reels


Our esteemed guests, Naoto Shibuya and Tomonori Higashi


David Anderson's readings are always a highlight.


Urushi laquer demonstration


Mapping rod actions


Talking and Casting...

Program of Events
2023 Cressy Cane - 1 - 3 April

What an extraordinary 4 days that we had at Cressy Cane 2023.

When I think of highlights from the weekend - I hardly know where to start. When we started Cressy Cane in 2014 we wanted to Celebrate the world of Making Bamboo Rods. For me it has always been about sharing knowledge and learning from each other.

We have some outstanding participants that contribute to this experience but at this years event we were astonished and privileged to host our Japanese friends - Naoto Shibuya and Tomonori ‘Bill’ Higashi. Astonished because we witnessed the worlds best caster of the extraordinary Long Drift Leader technique and privileged because combined with Bills knowledge of casting and teaching ( and translation ) we were able to appreciate the essential skill and elements to the system. We were all fortunate to be there.

Some highlights….
• Naoto Shibuya and Tomonori ‘Bill’ Higashi. Naoto and Bill have inspired us with their excellence. The design of their fuller bending rods and absolutely exquisite finish provoked much discussion about the casting technique.
• The Generosity and positive contribution of all that attended. It is a unique experience to have so many skilled individuals in one room- to share , to discuss and educate each other.
• All of the presentations. What a privilege to start the day with a carefully chosen reading from David Anderson. His ability to connect the prose, the emotion and the beautiful world of Bamboo rods, Trout and Flyfishing was mesmerising.
• Peter Hayes casting knowledge and boundless enthusiasm for teaching adds a very special element to Cressy Cane.
• Nick Taransky who inspires us all to improve and understand our rod making.
• The Rods of course. What a golden opportunity to cast so many different rods and tapers. I now have 13 rods on my ‘build list’
• The Food. Thankyou once again Chef Jen for looking after us with delicious meals all day - every day.

The next Cressy Cane is planned for 2025. In 2024, the Iaugural "Kiwi Cane is planned for the North Island of New Zealand... Check out the following site for more infoation...


Finally, I would like to add a Biography of contemporary Bamboo Rod makers to the Cressy Cane website. This would include an interview and photos of rods workshop etc so you may be contacted to see if you would like to be included. Kindest Regards 


(The Program of Events for the year is listed here with the Gallery images below)